schema:Book leaf node




Superclasses (2)


Instances of schema:Book can have the following properties:

From class schema:Book
dbo:notes owl:DatatypeProperty It refers to additional notes to better describe this entity xsd:string
purl:series owl:DatatypeProperty A segment of content intended for broadcast on over-the-air, cable television, or Internet television, other than a commercial, trailer, or any other segment of content not serving as attraction for viewership - A sequence of products having certain characteristics in common that are formally identified together as a group. - A collection of related films in succession that share the same fictional universe xsd:string
schema:Review/reviewBody owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:string
schema:commentText owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:string
schema:isbn owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:string
schema:numberOfPages owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:integer
schema:text owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:string
dma:bic owl:DatatypeProperty Text of BIC Classification Subject Code(s). Book Industry Communication - BIC is the book industry's independent supply chain organisation, committed to improving the efficiency of the trade and library supply chains. Textual description of BIC Classification Subject Code(s) separated by pipes. xsd:string
dma:dewey owl:DatatypeProperty Dewey Decimal Classification Number (edition specified). The Dewey Decimal Classification Number, from the edition published in mid-2003, DDC 22 - Full DDC (inc full stops and logical breakpoints). - It refers to an identifier that follows the proprietary library classification system Dewey Decimal Classification or just Dewey Decimal System. xsd:string
dma:lc owl:DatatypeProperty Any product Library Of Congress Classification code. The shelf code(s) assigned by the American Library of Congress separated by full stops. xsd:string
dma:seriesPart owl:DatatypeProperty It indicates a precise position into a serie. xsd:integer
schema:address owl:FunctionalProperty -- schema:PostalAddress
From class schema:Product
dcterms:issued owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:dateTimeStamp
schema:typicalAgeRange owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:string
dma:barcode owl:DatatypeProperty The barcode for the title padded out buy zeros at the beginning if less than 13 digits xsd:string
dma:catalogueNumber owl:DatatypeProperty It is any number used to identify an item in a catalogue. xsd:integer
dma:edition owl:DatatypeProperty It is one of a series of printings of the same book, newspaper, etc., each issued at a different time and differing from another by alterations, additions, etc. xsd:string
dma:exVatPrice owl:DatatypeProperty It defines extra value-added tax of any product. xsd:float
dma:referenceNumber owl:DatatypeProperty The record’s unique enterprise's reference number which is provided to facilitate data updates. It is used for all Film feed records and zeros are used to pad out the <ref_no> to 12 characters xsd:integer
dma:vatPrice owl:DatatypeProperty It defines value-added tax of any product. xsd:float
schema:encodingFormat owl:FunctionalProperty -- dma:EncodingFormat
schema:publisher owl:FunctionalProperty -- schema:Organization
dma:pubCountry owl:FunctionalProperty -- schema:Country
dbo:basedOn owl:ObjectProperty -- dma:Asset
dbp:adaptation owl:ObjectProperty -- dma:Asset
schema:author owl:ObjectProperty -- schema:Person
schema:contributor owl:ObjectProperty -- schema:Organization schema:Person
From class dma:Asset
dbp:copyright owl:AnnotationProperty It defines legal rights created by the law of a country that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights for its use and distribution. xsd:string
dbo:price owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:float
dc:description owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:string
schema:alternateName owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:string
schema:awards owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:string
schema:image owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:anyURI
schema:ratingValue owl:DatatypeProperty A rating is an evaluation on a numeric scale, such as 1 to 5 stars. xsd:string
schema:title owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:string
schema:url owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:anyURI
schema:validFrom owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:dateTimeStamp
schema:validUntil owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:dateTimeStamp
dma:creationDate owl:DatatypeProperty It defines the precise creation date of an Asset. xsd:dateTimeStamp
dma:dynamicCommunity owl:DatatypeProperty It defines whether an Asset belongs or not to a social dynamic community inside a multimedia platform like SAM ( It is often used to recommend Assets to users in a consumption multimedia platform. xsd:boolean
dma:eTag owl:DatatypeProperty It refers to an opaque identifier assigned to an Asset by a web server to a specific version of a resource found at a URL. ETags can also be used for optimistic concurrency control, as a way to help prevent simultaneous updates of a resource from overwriting each other. xsd:string
dma:identifier owl:DatatypeProperty Identifier of the Asset or <cat_code>, 13 digit <barcode> and West10 unique identifier (<ref_no>) separated by pipes xsd:string
dma:lastUpdated owl:DatatypeProperty It refers to the latest date time in which an asset has been updated. xsd:dateTimeStamp
dma:screenshots owl:DatatypeProperty An image of the item. This can be an URL or a fully described ImageObject xsd:anyURI
dma:sourceValue owl:DatatypeProperty It refers to any URI or address of an Asset were the digital element can be found. xsd:string
dc:language owl:FunctionalProperty -- dma:Language
schema:addressCountry owl:FunctionalProperty -- schema:Country
schema:contentRating owl:FunctionalProperty Official rating of a piece of content dma:ContentRating
schema:license owl:FunctionalProperty -- dma:License
schema:status owl:FunctionalProperty -- dma:Status
dma:owner owl:FunctionalProperty This refers to the Asset's owner. schema:Organization schema:Person
dma:semanticExtension owl:FunctionalProperty -- dma:SemanticExtension
dma:voiceControlExtension owl:FunctionalProperty This refers to information and grammar for personalized control of the devices that present the particular assets. dma:VoiceControlExtension
dc:creator owl:ObjectProperty An owner responsible for making the digital asset. owl:Thing
schema:genre owl:ObjectProperty -- dma:Genre
schema:sameAs owl:ObjectProperty -- dma:Asset
dma:genericExtension owl:ObjectProperty This refers to an object property able to represent generic elements of an Asset. dma:GenericExtension
dma:linkingExtension owl:ObjectProperty This refers to an object property able to represent elements of an Asset that are linked along a time line. dma:LinkingExtension
dma:ownerExtension owl:ObjectProperty This refers to an object property able to represent elements of an Asset that set generic information about Asset's owner. dma:OwnerExtension
dma:socialMediaExtension owl:ObjectProperty This refers to social media aspects of an asset such as the related Facebook pages or Twitter accounts. dma:SocialMediaExtension
dma:syndicationExtension owl:ObjectProperty This refers to processes related to the syndication of assets and their presentation to end users. dma:SyndicationExtension
From class owl:Thing
ONTOLegolang_UAge:numberOfClasses owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
ONTOLegolang_UAge:numberOfDataProperties owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
ONTOLegolang_UAge:numberOfObjectProperties owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dbo:abstract owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dbo:role owl:AnnotationProperty -- dbo:Profession
dbp:contactInfo owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dbp:example owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc:date owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc:title owl:DatatypeProperty -- owl:Thing
dcterms:dateCopyrighted owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dcterms:language owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dcterms:license owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dma:assetDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty It defines generic data properties regarding Digital Media Assets owl:Thing
dma:assetObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty It defines generic object properties regarding Digital Media Assets owl:Thing
dma:bookDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty It defines information related to digital books owl:Thing
dma:bookObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty It refers to object properties related to digital books. owl:Thing
dma:extension owl:ObjectProperty This describes specific object property extensions for ensuring the operativity of Digital Media Assets inside a multimedia platform like SAM platform ( owl:Thing
dma:externalTerms owl:DatatypeProperty It refers to terms reused from external sources. In general for grouping terms isolated in the ontology. owl:Thing
dma:gameDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty It defines information regarding games owl:Thing
dma:gameObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty It refers to object properties related to video games. owl:Thing
dma:genericExtensionDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty This describes specific data property extensions for ensuring the operativity of Digital Media Assets inside a multimedia platform like SAM platform ( owl:Thing
dma:linkingExtensionDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty This refers to an data property able to represent elements of an Asset that are linked along a time line. owl:Thing
dma:movieDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty It defines information regarding movies/films/videos owl:Thing
dma:movieObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty It refers to object properties related to movies/films/videos. owl:Thing
dma:musicDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty It defines information regarding musics owl:Thing
dma:musicObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty It refers to object properties related to music albums. owl:Thing
dma:nomenclatureDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty It defines nomenclature data properties regarding Digital Media Assets owl:Thing
dma:nomenclatureObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty It defines nomenclature object properties regarding Digital Media Assets owl:Thing
dma:ownerExtensionDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty This refers to a data property able to represent elements of an Asset that set generic information about owner of this Asset. owl:Thing
dma:personDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty It defines information about persons owl:Thing
dma:personObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty This refers to object properties about persons. owl:Thing
dma:postalAddress owl:DatatypeProperty It defines information regarding postal address owl:Thing
dma:productDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty It defines information regarding products owl:Thing
dma:productObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty It refers to object properties related to digital products. owl:Thing
dma:semanticExtensionDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty This refers to information about the semantic annotation and characterization of assets. owl:Thing
dma:socialMediaExtensionDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty This refers to social media aspects of an asset such as the related Facebook pages or Twitter accounts. owl:Thing
dma:syndicationExtensionDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty This refers to processes related to the syndication of assets and their presentation to end-users. owl:Thing
dma:trackDp owl:DatatypeProperty It refers a generic data property regarding tracks. owl:Thing
dma:trackOp owl:ObjectProperty It refers to object properties related to music recordings , i.e. tracks. owl:Thing
dma:voiceControlExtensionDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty This refers to information and grammar for personalized control of the devices that present the particular assets. owl:Thing
owl:annotatedSource owl:AnnotationProperty -- schema:Person schema:Organization
owl:annotatedTarget owl:AnnotationProperty -- dma:Asset
schema:bookEdition owl:DatatypeProperty -- owl:Thing
schema:datePublished owl:DatatypeProperty -- owl:Thing


@prefix : <> .
@prefix ONTOLegolang_UAge: <> .
@prefix dbo: <> .
@prefix dbp: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix edm: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix protege: <> .
@prefix purl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix rdvocab: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix swrl: <> .
@prefix swrlb: <> .
@prefix vann: <> .
@prefix void: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix xsp: <> .

schema:Book a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Book" ;
    rdfs:subClassOf schema:Product .