schema:Movie leaf node





Film - Video

Superclasses (2)


Instances of schema:Movie can have the following properties:

From class schema:Movie
purl:series owl:DatatypeProperty A segment of content intended for broadcast on over-the-air, cable television, or Internet television, other than a commercial, trailer, or any other segment of content not serving as attraction for viewership - A sequence of products having certain characteristics in common that are formally identified together as a group. - A collection of related films in succession that share the same fictional universe xsd:string
schema:duration owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:int
schema:numberOfItems owl:DatatypeProperty Number of items relative to a collection xsd:integer
dma:digitalIdentifier owl:DatatypeProperty An electronic equivalents to peoples' identity cards. You can present a Digital ID electronically to prove your identity or your right to access information or services online. owl:Thing
dma:ediNumber owl:DatatypeProperty Theatrical release EDI (Europe Distribution Identifier) number xsd:integer
schema:subtitleLanguage owl:ObjectProperty -- dma:Language
schema:track owl:ObjectProperty -- schema:MusicRecording
schema:trailer owl:ObjectProperty -- schema:Movie
From class schema:Product
dcterms:issued owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:dateTimeStamp
schema:typicalAgeRange owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:string
dma:barcode owl:DatatypeProperty The barcode for the title padded out buy zeros at the beginning if less than 13 digits xsd:string
dma:catalogueNumber owl:DatatypeProperty It is any number used to identify an item in a catalogue. xsd:integer
dma:edition owl:DatatypeProperty It is one of a series of printings of the same book, newspaper, etc., each issued at a different time and differing from another by alterations, additions, etc. xsd:string
dma:exVatPrice owl:DatatypeProperty It defines extra value-added tax of any product. xsd:float
dma:referenceNumber owl:DatatypeProperty The record’s unique enterprise's reference number which is provided to facilitate data updates. It is used for all Film feed records and zeros are used to pad out the <ref_no> to 12 characters xsd:integer
dma:vatPrice owl:DatatypeProperty It defines value-added tax of any product. xsd:float
schema:encodingFormat owl:FunctionalProperty -- dma:EncodingFormat
schema:publisher owl:FunctionalProperty -- schema:Organization
dma:pubCountry owl:FunctionalProperty -- schema:Country
dbo:basedOn owl:ObjectProperty -- dma:Asset
dbp:adaptation owl:ObjectProperty -- dma:Asset
schema:author owl:ObjectProperty -- schema:Person
schema:contributor owl:ObjectProperty -- schema:Organization schema:Person
From class dma:Asset
dbp:copyright owl:AnnotationProperty It defines legal rights created by the law of a country that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights for its use and distribution. xsd:string
dbo:price owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:float
dc:description owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:string
schema:alternateName owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:string
schema:awards owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:string
schema:image owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:anyURI
schema:ratingValue owl:DatatypeProperty A rating is an evaluation on a numeric scale, such as 1 to 5 stars. xsd:string
schema:title owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:string
schema:url owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:anyURI
schema:validFrom owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:dateTimeStamp
schema:validUntil owl:DatatypeProperty -- xsd:dateTimeStamp
dma:creationDate owl:DatatypeProperty It defines the precise creation date of an Asset. xsd:dateTimeStamp
dma:dynamicCommunity owl:DatatypeProperty It defines whether an Asset belongs or not to a social dynamic community inside a multimedia platform like SAM ( It is often used to recommend Assets to users in a consumption multimedia platform. xsd:boolean
dma:eTag owl:DatatypeProperty It refers to an opaque identifier assigned to an Asset by a web server to a specific version of a resource found at a URL. ETags can also be used for optimistic concurrency control, as a way to help prevent simultaneous updates of a resource from overwriting each other. xsd:string
dma:identifier owl:DatatypeProperty Identifier of the Asset or <cat_code>, 13 digit <barcode> and West10 unique identifier (<ref_no>) separated by pipes xsd:string
dma:lastUpdated owl:DatatypeProperty It refers to the latest date time in which an asset has been updated. xsd:dateTimeStamp
dma:screenshots owl:DatatypeProperty An image of the item. This can be an URL or a fully described ImageObject xsd:anyURI
dma:sourceValue owl:DatatypeProperty It refers to any URI or address of an Asset were the digital element can be found. xsd:string
dc:language owl:FunctionalProperty -- dma:Language
schema:addressCountry owl:FunctionalProperty -- schema:Country
schema:contentRating owl:FunctionalProperty Official rating of a piece of content dma:ContentRating
schema:license owl:FunctionalProperty -- dma:License
schema:status owl:FunctionalProperty -- dma:Status
dma:owner owl:FunctionalProperty This refers to the Asset's owner. schema:Organization schema:Person
dma:semanticExtension owl:FunctionalProperty -- dma:SemanticExtension
dma:voiceControlExtension owl:FunctionalProperty This refers to information and grammar for personalized control of the devices that present the particular assets. dma:VoiceControlExtension
dc:creator owl:ObjectProperty An owner responsible for making the digital asset. owl:Thing
schema:genre owl:ObjectProperty -- dma:Genre
schema:sameAs owl:ObjectProperty -- dma:Asset
dma:genericExtension owl:ObjectProperty This refers to an object property able to represent generic elements of an Asset. dma:GenericExtension
dma:linkingExtension owl:ObjectProperty This refers to an object property able to represent elements of an Asset that are linked along a time line. dma:LinkingExtension
dma:ownerExtension owl:ObjectProperty This refers to an object property able to represent elements of an Asset that set generic information about Asset's owner. dma:OwnerExtension
dma:socialMediaExtension owl:ObjectProperty This refers to social media aspects of an asset such as the related Facebook pages or Twitter accounts. dma:SocialMediaExtension
dma:syndicationExtension owl:ObjectProperty This refers to processes related to the syndication of assets and their presentation to end users. dma:SyndicationExtension
From class owl:Thing
ONTOLegolang_UAge:numberOfClasses owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
ONTOLegolang_UAge:numberOfDataProperties owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
ONTOLegolang_UAge:numberOfObjectProperties owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dbo:abstract owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dbo:role owl:AnnotationProperty -- dbo:Profession
dbp:contactInfo owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dbp:example owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc:date owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc:title owl:DatatypeProperty -- owl:Thing
dcterms:dateCopyrighted owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dcterms:language owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dcterms:license owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dma:assetDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty It defines generic data properties regarding Digital Media Assets owl:Thing
dma:assetObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty It defines generic object properties regarding Digital Media Assets owl:Thing
dma:bookDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty It defines information related to digital books owl:Thing
dma:bookObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty It refers to object properties related to digital books. owl:Thing
dma:extension owl:ObjectProperty This describes specific object property extensions for ensuring the operativity of Digital Media Assets inside a multimedia platform like SAM platform ( owl:Thing
dma:externalTerms owl:DatatypeProperty It refers to terms reused from external sources. In general for grouping terms isolated in the ontology. owl:Thing
dma:gameDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty It defines information regarding games owl:Thing
dma:gameObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty It refers to object properties related to video games. owl:Thing
dma:genericExtensionDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty This describes specific data property extensions for ensuring the operativity of Digital Media Assets inside a multimedia platform like SAM platform ( owl:Thing
dma:linkingExtensionDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty This refers to an data property able to represent elements of an Asset that are linked along a time line. owl:Thing
dma:movieDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty It defines information regarding movies/films/videos owl:Thing
dma:movieObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty It refers to object properties related to movies/films/videos. owl:Thing
dma:musicDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty It defines information regarding musics owl:Thing
dma:musicObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty It refers to object properties related to music albums. owl:Thing
dma:nomenclatureDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty It defines nomenclature data properties regarding Digital Media Assets owl:Thing
dma:nomenclatureObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty It defines nomenclature object properties regarding Digital Media Assets owl:Thing
dma:ownerExtensionDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty This refers to a data property able to represent elements of an Asset that set generic information about owner of this Asset. owl:Thing
dma:personDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty It defines information about persons owl:Thing
dma:personObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty This refers to object properties about persons. owl:Thing
dma:postalAddress owl:DatatypeProperty It defines information regarding postal address owl:Thing
dma:productDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty It defines information regarding products owl:Thing
dma:productObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty It refers to object properties related to digital products. owl:Thing
dma:semanticExtensionDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty This refers to information about the semantic annotation and characterization of assets. owl:Thing
dma:socialMediaExtensionDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty This refers to social media aspects of an asset such as the related Facebook pages or Twitter accounts. owl:Thing
dma:syndicationExtensionDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty This refers to processes related to the syndication of assets and their presentation to end-users. owl:Thing
dma:trackDp owl:DatatypeProperty It refers a generic data property regarding tracks. owl:Thing
dma:trackOp owl:ObjectProperty It refers to object properties related to music recordings , i.e. tracks. owl:Thing
dma:voiceControlExtensionDataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty This refers to information and grammar for personalized control of the devices that present the particular assets. owl:Thing
owl:annotatedSource owl:AnnotationProperty -- schema:Person schema:Organization
owl:annotatedTarget owl:AnnotationProperty -- dma:Asset
schema:bookEdition owl:DatatypeProperty -- owl:Thing
schema:datePublished owl:DatatypeProperty -- owl:Thing


@prefix : <> .
@prefix ONTOLegolang_UAge: <> .
@prefix dbo: <> .
@prefix dbp: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix edm: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix protege: <> .
@prefix purl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix rdvocab: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix swrl: <> .
@prefix swrlb: <> .
@prefix vann: <> .
@prefix void: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix xsp: <> .

schema:Movie a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Movie" ;
    rdfs:comment "Film",
        "Video" ;
    rdfs:subClassOf schema:Product .